Friday, December 11, 2009

Vengaboys @ We Love the 90s

vengazone @ twitter

Now you can find Vengaboys and update at twitter!

Will there be a new single?

This is from the Vengaboys youtube channel:

The Vengaboys recently started touring again and are working on a new single to be released soon. Producers Danski & Delmundo: " 2010 is the year! Look out for the new hit! It's the most gay song we've ever made...."

Vengaboys are back again!

Great news! The Vengaboys have their own youtube channel (, their own twitter page ( and according to the Vengaboys Twitter Page, Robin joind the group again. At least for one performance.

And - mabye only to some extent - the official website is also back again. Right now its only a collection of youtube fan clips. But maybe there is more to come?

Vengaboys ft. Aux Raus